“The Root of All Corruption Is a Government Out of Control”
© Don Horn 2024
Satire, Cynicism, Humor & Opinions are tools to dramatize the need for change in a complacent world.
© Don Horn 2024
“United We Stand- Firm.”
Any interference in our elections is treason and an act of war. Just so you know. Will Trump do anything about it? Is Trump mad enough yet? You’ll have to ask him. But, 200 million Americans stand behind our President. It is his call. We just back his play. “United We Stand- Firm.”
© Don Horn 2024
The time for mourning is over. The time to wake up to a bright fresh morning is here. It is time to wake up and start working. It is a new day.
Every Communist country is controlled by only a few people. Those people exist to control power by the will of the complicit, the enablers. It was the unscrupulous courts interfering that allowed the travesty of 2020. Was it John Roberts that openly stated he was not going to do anything to help Trump? Was it Jeffery Epstein that helped John Roberts to adopt his daughters? Was it Obama who used to chastise John Roberts from the State of the Union Addresses? So, if the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court openly declared that he was not going to do anything to help Trump, then did that attitude from the SCOTUS give permission to all of the lower courts to openly rebel against Trump, the lawful President of the United States? Did John Roberts actions give the DOJ permission to target President Trump? Did John Roberts openly and willingly cause a situation of willful sedition, rebellion and insurrection against a sitting President of the United States? Is John Roberts guilty of insurrection, sedition, and treason against our President? How perverse has our country become? It was the perverse judicial system that perverted the course of justice in this country. What do they have to hide? What does John Roberts have to hide?
Is it the Bush/Cheney group that control the RINOs? The Clintons- they just appear to be a power grubbing, money grabbing, child molesting, friend murdering, drugged out demonic nightmare of a mess. What about the Obamas’? They never left the White House. How many operatives did Obama have in the Trump White House sabotaging Trump’s efforts? And look at what we have to look forward to: Pills Biden, the Drugged Squad and all their in-laws, outlaws and other family squabblers. Stop the enablers and the Communist Dictators cannot exist.
The Greeks gave us the concept of “Democracy.” Though it was the same Greeks that found it necessary to give the concept of “Ostracize”? The Greeks found that their leaders having been in power could not resist the temptation of remaining and meddling in the governmental power. The Greeks found it necessary to ostracize the outgoing leaders. What do we have in the Bushes, the Clintons and the Obamas? We have old worn out leaders clinging to power and destroying OUR country and raking in billions of dollars. It appears we have old corrupt treasonous leaders aligning with foreign world dictators who are hell bent on destroying America.
Stop the enablers and the Communist Dictators cannot exist.
© Don Horn 2024
There are some events that are so devastating that no amount of sick humor or vile political satire will alleviate the anger and anguish. On July 13, 2024, our country experienced such an event. The assassination attempt of President Trump caused a political and spiritual watershed in this country. There is no going back to the way things were before the event. We’ve reached a crisis point that forces each and every American to evaluate what kind of country do we want America to be. One thing is certain, all Christians must turn to God Almighty to seek guidance in prayer and fasting in these troubled times.
There is no Retreating. There is no Escape from the dangers ahead. There is no Cowardice allowed. There is only Faith in the Path Forward.
“Our battle is not against flesh and blood…”
Ephesians 6:12
© Don Horn 2024
Bags of tortilla chips? Is this a euphemism?
Kamala Harris, her running mate and her husband were in a convenience store playing with bags of tortilla chips. They were playing with bags of “Doritos.” Doritos are a well known brand of chips. Millions and millions of people consume “Doritos” brand of tortilla chips every day. (“American brand of flavored tortilla chips. Doritos is an American brand of flavored tortilla chips produced by Frito-Lay, a wholly owned subsidiary of PepsiCo.” From Wikipedia.) Isn’t PepsiCo owned by the Chinese? Is this a free advertisement for a Chinese owned product? But, then again, what is not owned by the Chinese in America now days?
“Tortilla Chips?” Is the Harris team being passively offensive or a passively aggressive? Is that what “Taco People” (reference to Pills Biden’s San Antonio statement) eat with their Chicken Marsala and caviar? So… is this what Kamala the Kackling Kanadian Kow (who was raised & educated in Canada and married to a rich white Jewish man) thinks about people who were born in Central America, South America, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, California, Nevada, Puerto Rico, New York, Florida and Hispanic people born all over this country? Wow! If this is a subtle slur towards Hispanic people in America, it would be a highly inappropriate & offensive advertising campaign! (OH, OH, OH, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT– Is she declaring the “Mexican” vote is in the bag?) (It gets worse.)
Was the video filmed at a SHEETZ Convenience Store? Wasn’t the SHEETZ Convenience Store mentioned in the Donald J. Trump Assassination Attempt? So, is she insulting Hispanics all over the world, or just making fun of the Assassination Attempt on Trump’s life? (Is she a despicable cold hearted arrogant person?)
Have you noticed that when Kamala goes to a black southern church she picks up that fake southern accent? You know the accent that she obviously picked up from Hillary Clinton. Have you noticed at the DNC Convention her skin tone and accent seems to be lighter & whiter than when she is addressing a prominently black community?
Is Kamala a descendant of slave owners? Several articles seem to say she is the descendant of slave owners. If the article in “Snopes” (by Dan MacGuill Published July 2, 2019, “Did U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris’ Ancestor Own Slaves in Jamaica?”) is accurate: (“He also owned many slaves. According to one document, held by the U.K. National Archives, Brown owned at least 121 slaves in 1826, comprising 74 females and 47 males. In 1817, he owned at least 124 slaves, made up of 74 females and 50 males.” ), then what is there to say? If this information is true, it would suggest that her ancestor was not just a mere owner of slaves, but a breeder of slaves.
Were his slaves genetically manipulated & altered brood stock? Did he employ a selective breeding program? How many genetically modified lines of stock was he developing? If this is true, Then this is shocking beyond belief! Ask any good cattle breeder to explain what he sees in the numbers. Good cattle breeders will proudly defend their genetically modified line of cattle through selective breeding programs. The unique quality of animals in their breeding program is what brings in top money at the sales. The concept is the same whether it is for cattle or people.
What is Kamala when she is at home with her RICH-WHITE-JEWISH-HUSBAND? What is she at the country club picking up donor checks, RICH-WHITE-JEWISH-LADY? How many times have we heard Kamala talking unfavorable about the State of Israel and the Jewish people? But, she is married to a Jewish man. She apparently disrespected the Prime Minister of Israel. It’s understandable. She is married to a Jewish man. She is not married to the Jewish State. However, to the BLM rioters and many black women is she considered a strong black woman? To the big Jewish money donors is she a good Jewish wife? Who and what is she?
That is the problem with racial identity politics. You have to be all things to all people. And, everybody sees through it.
© Don Horn 2024
* chameleon /kə-mēl′yən, -mē′lē-ən/
- A changeable or inconstant person.
- A lizard like reptile of the genus Chamæleo, of several species, found in Africa, Asia, and Europe. The skin is covered with fine granulations; it has eyes which can move separately, the tail is prehensile, and the body is much compressed laterally, giving it a high back. It is remarkable for its ability to change the color of its skin to blend with its surroundings.
- A person who changes opinions, ideas, or behavior to suit the prevailing social climate; an opportunist.
Similar: opportunist
- A small to mid-size reptile, of the family Chamaeleonidae, and one of the best known lizard families able to change color and project its long tongue.
- A person with inconstant behavior; one able to quickly adjust to new circumstances.
- Describing something that changes color.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at Wordnik
Chinese Crap Production (CCP)
We as Americans are getting tired of Chinese games. Bring in shiny objects from China. Whether the products work or don’t work doesn’t matter. Just make it pretty. Make it extremely profitable. Make it sale. If you can make enough profit, then you can give a liberal return policy. How about making a product that has less profitability and more reliability? It seems strange that the old high quality Sears “Craftman” hand tools disappeared about the same time “Harbor Freight” started taking over the market. Is this the Chinese business strategy? Buy the quality product company and replace it with higher profit margin shiny junk hawking companies?
If you are tired of companies like “Harbor Freight’s” quality, “sales”, coupons, etc., then do something about it. Or, we will only be left with nothing but pure Chinese junk/crap everywhere. Oh yeah, that’s what we have now. We as Americans are tired of the crap, from our heavy duty work trucks to the wrenches to fix those broken down pieces of overpriced junk. Do corporations care about customers opinions? Apparently, customers are only a source of revenues so they can continue to purchase more crap from “crap” suppliers, i.e China.
All the tractors from every manufacturer are way over priced. This is not just Bidenomics. This goes to Chinese pricing strategy: “build it as cheap as you can and get every penny possible.” Then we have companies like John Deere. The tractors are beautiful. They are amazing works of art. But try working on it. (There are a lot of people in the “Right-to-Repair” movement. You can contact them for more information.) We are again back to large corporations wanting to move operations to Mexico. Production plants who had UAW strikes are now laying off workers and moving the operations to Mexico, or other “off-shore” production facilities. This has to stop. We Are Americans!!! Globalizing only benefits the super-rich and the super-powerful (i.e. Xi, George, Vlad & all their friends).
© Don Horn 2024
We must have a “Government of the American people, by the American people, for the American people!”
Are the “Monsters of China” destroying America from the inside? Are they using our own money to finance our own destruction? Are they using our own money to corrupt our politicians to create treason against America? Which politicians are taking money from China to implement Chinese policy that leads to the destruction of America? Which American Corrupt Career Politician is engaged in Treason against America and the American people?
Histories Greatest Monsters
This is one of those subjects that no matter how hard you work to be accurately loyal to the truth, the truth is not always believable.
In the book of Mathew, Herod was attributed with the killing (about two hundred) boys in Bethlehem under the age of two years old. Herod has been considered a monster for the “Slaughter of the Innocents.” While being pursued by the Ottoman Turks, “Vlad the Impaler,” left a field of thousands of victims impaled on poles. When the Turks came upon the grisly horror they stopped pursuing him. (The Turks are known as ruthless fighters. For them to turn back, the scene must have been horrifying.) Hitler killed over six million Jews. He is attributed with the death of over forty million people. Stalin has been attributed to the killing of over sixty million people. But none of these unimaginable horrific brutalities comes close to the achievements of the Communist Chinese.
On June 4, 1989 the Communist Chinese Army rolled into Tiananmen Square with tanks and soldiers and they killed peaceful students. The reports are that they killed a few hundred people, possibly a thousand or more. From the home movies, that were smuggled out of China, it appeared as if thousands of Chinese Children were killed. According to reports the prisons are used for organ transplant donations. Supposedly, one rich Chinese lady had three hearts donated to her by heart donors from the prison facilities. During the pandemic there were stories of the Communist Chinese forcing people into their homes with the doors and windows nailed shut. The people had no food, no water and were left to burn to death in the buildings. During the same time period there were severe rains through out China. The dam flood gates were opened to flood the already over flowing rivers. The reports were tens of thousands of people died by drowning. How many Chinese people have the Communist Chinese Government actually killed? Supposedly the Communist Chinese Government has killed hundreds of millions of Chinese people. And we have not even talked about abortions.
Over the last seventy years the Communist Chinese has forcefully aborted millions of babies. Even if the official numbers are true for women who were taken to health care professionals, doctors, nurses, clinics or hospitals, the numbers cannot reflect the amount of women who sought abortions by way of herbal medicines or other methods. How many babies have been aborted in China?
© Don Horn 2024
American children play the game: “Where’s Waldo?”. Do Chinese children play the game: “Where’s Hu Jintao”? Is he feeling better? They say he was sick for a while. As he was being lead out of the assembly, was he begging Xi Jinping for his life? Was Xi Jinping smirking as they led Hu Jintao out of the meeting? Where is Hu Jintao? If there is an update of Hu Jintao’s well being, it would be nice to know. Since the Communist Chinese Pandemic, getting good quality news sources is very difficult. Is Hu Jintao well? If he passed away, did he have a pleasant funeral? Or is he serving China in over a billion hamburgers served across China?
Where are the prison organ donors? Are they serving the world in billions of hamburgers served world wide? Does China own most of our fast food chains? There was an old Gene Hackman movie, “Prime Cut.” In the movie they disposed of unwanted human bodies into the ground hamburger meat. There are rumors coming out of China that Xi Jinping and the Communist Chinese Government disposes of unwanted human bodies in the same manner. If China owns all of our major fast food chains, including “McDonald’s”, then where are all the cattle in China? Where do they get all that ground hamburger meat for all those hamburgers and tacos served world wide? Oh Yeah, that’s why they conquered Australia.
You have to have some beef in the hamburgers? The absolute best hamburgers came from Jack-in-the-Box in the late 1970’s. These hamburgers were great. Then the news stories started coming out. Australia has a major problem with Kangaroos. They were shipping Kangaroo meat (instead of beef) for consumption in our hamburgers. Is China doing the same thing with their unwanted PRISON organ donors, protesters, covid patients, political rivals, etc? How many millions of unwanted human beings can be disposed of through the world wide fast food industrial food chain network in any given year? Where’s Hu Jintao? Where’s the Beef?… Soylent Green anybody?
There are a lot of people in this country who work with DNA testing. How about the next time you get what seems like a piece of bone or tooth in your hamburger, then why don’t you do a simple DNA test on the sample to see what, or who, was in your hamburger. If the results are shocking, then send a copy of the results to your Congressman, news agency, favorite blogger, influencer, etc. Disseminate the information everywhere!!!
© Don Horn 2024
America and Armageddon:
Armageddon, the greatest battle that never takes place. All the nations and armies of the world gather against Israel under three banners: 1) Blood Red- the Communist; 2) Sulfur Yellow- the Arabic States; 3) Hyacinthe Blue- The United Nations (UN). The Communist, The Arabic States and the United Nations all come together to destroy Israel. Many Biblical scholars believe that America is represented in the Bible as the ships of Tarshish. In the last days the ships of Tarshish come to the aid and defense of Israel. How can America come to the defense of anybody if we can’t protect ourselves? Protecting ourselves starts with a strong military, protecting our borders and not letting some old fool drag us into some insane war. It might be looking like Biden/Harris are willing to drag us into a war.
United We Stand
United We Stand, Divided We Fall. This is a major backbone of American exceptionalism. This is why the government is always trying to separate us: Blacks vs whites. Christians vs Muslim. LGBTQ+ vs straights, Jews vs everybody. If we are not united, then we are easier to conquer. Somebody in the UK government said that they will go anywhere in the world to arrest anybody who says anything they find as offensive hate speech. This is Texas. We say a lot of things that offend people and governments. We take pride in having the freedom to say whatever we want to say. Is the UK going to put secret police stations all over America, just like the Biden Administration allowed China? Does China own the UK just like they obviously own America, Australia, Canada and Brazil? Go to a Muslim section of London and try telling an Imam what he can and cannot say. So, the people they are threatening are white Christian males? Why, because we try to be nice, friendly and Christ like to everybody? No, it’s to further divide and intimidate people.
In order to have an honest debate there has to be differing opinions. If differing opinions are labeled as “hate speech”, then there is no discussion. If someone has the power to label any statement as hate speech, then there is no limit to their ability to control all discussions. Declaring something as hate speech is meant to divide and control people. To give someone the power to criminally declare hate speech is to give them the power to regulate people’s speech, behavior, discussions and social interactions. The power to define hate speech along with the ability to control it’s criminality is the power to enslave people.
© Don Horn 2024
Being offensive Towards European Hate Speech Laws?
Oh, England and the European Union, You know what you can do with your hate speech legislation. You can leave it tucked away in your cranial infarction. This is America. We do and say what we want to do and say. As adults we don’t need your permission to speak. We do not have to live under your rules of what is acceptable or unacceptable topics of speech. We say and do whatever we deem is acceptable, or unacceptable. Oh, By the way: 1) The 2020 election was stolen by The DNC with help from their masters the Chinese. 2) Covid was a fake & a fraud in order to kill people to claim world domination by a cabal of idiots. 3) Is that offensive enough or do we need to dig up more offenses.
Oh, King Chucky is not the real king. He stole it from his son, Billy. And Princess Anne was right. Cammy is not the Queen. She is the King’s Consort. (Whether she is called “Queen Consort” or “Princess Consort” does not matter. She is still Chucky’s Consort. And, as we all know, consort is just a fancy way of saying “just a ‘piece of shag’ on the side”.)
consort /kŏn′sôrt″/An animal with which another animal, usually of the opposite sex, forms a bond for a temporary period during which the two individuals maintain close proximity and engage in mating or other sexual behavior.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition • More at Wordnik
(Some things are just meant for fun.) © Don Horn 2024
The UN?
What is not to love about the United Nations? Where else inhumane history can we find a finer example of where the greatest nation on earth set up a system where by they can show the rest of the world that they are just like everybody else? And, What better way to showcase to the world our beneficence in financing their right to dictate our lives, laws and morality? What better way to prove our loyalty to their cause than to joyfully fund their every wish they could ever desire at our own expense? How else can we demonstrate that we are a great and benevolent member of the global world empire?
© Don Horn 2024
American Heroes
Every American patriot since before the founding of this nation has known that freedom comes at a very high price. For over two-hundred and fifty years patriots have lived and died protecting our freedom. Freedom is expensive. Freedom requires every person to decide their willingness to live free. People in China figure it is better to live in tyranny than to die for freedom. They’re dying any way. The people of Australia gave up their guns and their freedom. During the pandemic they were not allowed out of their homes. They had to have permission to go outside their area. One of the greatest symbols of defiance in America was the lone surfer in Los Angeles. He was by himself in the largest ocean on earth. And they arrested him.
The next released pandemic could have a high lethal mortality rate. Why do we condone bio-weapons? Why do we have them? Are the bio-weapons meant to deter foreign governments or to control the people? As long as people have more fear of the government than they have a desire to live in freedom, then they will never be free. Either we change the way Washington governs, or we live under increasingly forced regulations and fear. You have to choose how you want to live. In this new America are we expected to sit back and accept the edicts of the government? Living under millions of laws, rules and regulations is not living free. The Octogenarian Regimes have to end. Pelosi, Hillary, Kamala and Biden must pay for their crimes against America.
© Don Horn 2024
“government of the people, by the people, for the people,”
Members of Congress are there to represent us– we the people of America. Any member of Congress who knowingly accepts money or benefit from foreign countries that harms America is in violation of treason laws. Any Congressmen that knowingly took bribes (even if it was only in the form of pure uncut cocaine & cash in small white envelopes with verbal instructions from South American Drug Cartels) should be investigated? Any Congressmen and their friends distorting the laws to remain in office should be investigated? Congress answers to the American People! America & Americans must be protected from Predators. Whoever killed the American hostages in Gaza must pay for what they did.
Trump & Campaign Promises
Trump spent several years yelling, “Lock her up”, “Lock her up”, “Lock her up”. Where is Hillary now? It appears the only people who were locked up were Trump’s closest advisors and friends. For several years Trump has been screaming, “Lock him up”, “Lock him up”, “Lock him up”. It looks like the only person going to jail is Trump himself. Dan Bongino keeps asking, “Is it bad enough yet?” “Is it bad enough yet?” “Is it bad enough yet?” That is the wrong question. The proper questions are: 1) “Is Trump mad enough yet?” 2) Has Trump finally had enough of this twisted perverted justice to put a full stop to all this lunacy? 3) Does Trump have the intestinal fortitude to put a final and complete stop to all the treason and destruction targeted against our country? What is going on in America is not just about Trump. It affects all of us. We need to ask the basic question: “Does Trump have the resolve and willingness to fix the problems in this country?” Is Trump going to continue on an ego trip, or is he going to fight for our survival? Trump probably has as many as two hundred million people in this country willing to fight for him. We are fighting for our country. Trump is the symbol and the leader of the movement. We the people are the movement.
Trump is only saying what we already believe. Symbols and leaders come and go. It does not matter what they do to Trump. Even If they throw him in jail for a thousand years. It won’t stop the people from changing our country back to a country “by the people, for the people”. New leaders can always be found and pushed forward. Trump has several children. one of them could take his place. General Flynn could take his place. God always reserves a person to step up to lead his movement. We like Trump. But, getting rid of Trump won’t stop the American people. We will find a leader to take his place. We will find a way to take our country back from the self appointed elitists.
The founding fathers, along with the people, defeated the forces of King George. It was the battles of “Kings Mountain” and of the “Cowpens” where the average American people became tired of the King’s threats and brutality. It only took twenty-eight minutes for the average Americans to destroy the best of the British troops. (Some people say that the actual fighting of the battle took about a half an hour to an hour. The mopping up of the battle took up to another half an hour to an hour. Meanwhile more militiamen kept coming into the battle area immediately after the battle of the Cowpens. What is important is that when those Carolina & Tennessee Boys got pissed they took care of business.) The people are tired of the Pelosi-Biden-Clinton-Obama-Bush nightmare. The RINOs and the Democrats tried to destroy the Tea Party. It came back as the MAGA Movement. With enough resolve a fluid movement will succeed.
“…that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” From Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address
We want OUR America back.
If a person, or a nation, turns a deaf ear to God, then how can they hear what God has to say? If they turn a blind eye to God, then how can they see His Majesty? If they can not see or hear God, then who is guiding them?