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Every American patriot since before the founding of this nation has known that freedom comes at a very high price. For over two-hundred and fifty years patriots have lived and died protecting our freedom. Freedom is expensive. Freedom requires every person to decide their willingness to live free. People in China figure it is better to live in tyranny than to die for freedom. They’re dying any way. The people of Australia gave up their guns and their freedom. During the pandemic they were not allowed out of their homes. They had to have permission to go outside their area. (What ever happened to Aussie Cossack? Or, the little Russian nursing student girl who was brutally beaten up and molested by a group of out of control Aussie Cops) One of the greatest symbols of freedom in America was during the pandemic the lone surfer in Los Angeles. He was by himself in the largest ocean on earth. And they arrested him.
The next released pandemic could have a high lethal mortality rate. As long as people are more afraid of the tyrannical governments in this world than they are wanting to live in freedom they will never be free. Either we change the world by voting, or acquiesce to live under forced tyranny, or be forced to correct the government under less than comfortable means. You have to choose how you want to live.
One thing that was always impressive about the Philippines, in the 1970’s, was that no matter how restrictive the government was the people always managed to live as free as possible. It was not just one group or another that lived free. They all lived free. The oppressive situation did not stop them from learning how to build guns and ammo. Their situation did not stop them from stockpiling guns and ammo. They just went about their lives doing what they had to do to survive.
In this new America, Australia and China, the people are just expected to sit on their rear ends accepting the will of the government. Our governments are out of control and corrupt. We have to fix our governments. Choose your method. Voting is a much more pleasant method to change a corrupt government. But, be prepared to employ any necessary means to correct an uncontrollable corrupt government.