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Fixing Our Political Mess
Term Limits is not the answer. Term limits only gives foreign governments and corrupt corporations a time line for when they need to have their next puppet ready for operation. It gives them time to groom their next candidate. We need our trusted friends and neighbors running for offices. Every political race should have enough candidates that the people should have a good voting choice. No candidate should ever run unopposed. People getting involved is a start on how to fix the system. All across this country we need new people in our political offices.
The career politicians will tell you that you have to be “something” in order to run for office. Hogwash! Plumbers, electricians, welders, nurses, Dr.s, Lawyers anybody can run for office. We need people we can trust running for office. So you don’t have a college degree. Are you smarter than that Congressman who thought the Island of Guam was going to flip over like a rubber dingy? (Look it up) Support your friends & family members who want to run for office- any office.
All the American People getting involved is how we fix the system.
“government of the people, by the people, for the people,”