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JUNE is Tiananmen Square month.
The Massacre serves as a reminder of what a corrupt Government will do to it’s people.
June 4, is China’s Juneteenth
“The Day Slavery Ended“
We commemorate the students on the thirty-five year
anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.
(6/04/1989 – 6/04/2024)
Tiananmen Square Protest & The J6 Protesters
There seems to be some similarities between the reactions of the Communist Chinese to the Tiananmen Square Protest and the aftermath of the J6 protest. In both cases the governments went through their country looking for the leaders, as well as the participants. In regards to the Tiananmen Square Protest: After the massacre, the Communist Chinese Government went through China searching for anybody who had anything to do with the Tiananmen Square Protest. (The images of kids being run over by tanks and shot with machine guns evoke a strong reaction.)
Similarly, the Biden Administration has gone through our country searching for the participants of the J6 rally. The Biden administration seems to be emulating the CCP’s reaction to any and all dissenting protests. The strong visceral reactions of the Democrats towards Trump and the J6 defendants seems very similar to the reaction of the CCP towards the Tiananmen Square Protesters.
Histories Greatest Monsters
This is one of those subjects that no matter how hard you work to be accurately loyal to the truth, the truth is not always believable.
In the book of Mathew, Herod was attributed with the killing (about two hundred) boys in Bethlehem under the age of two years old. Herod has been considered a monster for the “Slaughter of the Innocents”. While being pursued by the Ottoman Turks, “Vlad the Impaler”, left a field of thousands of victims impaled on poles. When the Turks came upon the grisly horror they stopped pursuing him. (The Turks are known as ruthless fighters. For them to turn back, the scene must have been horrifying.) Hitler killed over six million Jews. He is attributed with the death of over forty million people. Stalin has been attributed to the killing of over sixty million people. But none of these unimaginable horrific brutalities comes close to the achievements of the Communist Chinese.
On June 4, 1989 the Communist Chinese Army rolled into Tiananmen Square with tanks and soldiers and they killed peaceful students. The reports are that they killed a few hundred people, possibly a thousand or more. According to reports the prisons are used for organ transplant donations. Supposedly, one rich Chinese lady had three hearts donated to her by heart donors from the prison facilities. During the pandemic there were stories of the Communist Chinese forcing people into their homes with the doors and windows nailed shut. The people had no food, no water and were left to burn to death in the buildings. During the same time period there were severe rains through out China. The dam flood gates were opened to flood the already over flowing rivers. The reports were tens of thousands of people died by drowning. How many Chinese people have the Communist Chinese Government actually killed? Supposedly the Communist Chinese Government has killed hundreds of millions of Chinese people. And we have not even talked about abortions.
Over the last seventy years the Communist Chinese has forcefully aborted millions of babies. Even if the official numbers are true for women who were taken to health care professionals, doctors, nurses, clinics or hospitals, the numbers cannot reflect the amount of women who sought abortions by way of herbal medicines or other methods. How many babies have been aborted in China?
© Don Horn 2024
Tiananmen Square Protest & The J6 Protesters
There seems to be some similarities between the reactions of the Communist Chinese to the Tiananmen Square Protest and the aftermath of the J6 protest. In both cases the governments went through their country looking for the leaders, as well as the participants. In regards to the Tiananmen Square Protest: After the massacre, the Communist Chinese Government went through China searching for anybody who had anything to do with the Tiananmen Square Protest. (The images of kids being run over by tanks and shot with machine guns evoke a strong reaction.)
Similarly, the Biden Administration has gone through our country searching for the participants of the J6 rally. The Biden administration seems to be emulating the CCP’s reaction to any and all dissenting protests. The strong visceral reactions of the Democrats towards Trump and the J6 defendants seems very similar to the reaction of the CCP towards the Tiananmen Square Protesters.