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Who was behind the Assassination coup d’etat attempt of
Donald J. Trump
Our Prayers are with the slain Father’s family
The Truth! Nothing But The Truth! Now!
How Out of Control is Our Government?
How Corrupt Is the Biden Crime Family?
Are the RINOs more dangerous than the Woke Leftists?
“RINO– WOKE LEFT– UNI-PARTY– DEEP STATE” Different Names For the Same Group?
Are these the Bush– Clinton– Obama– Biden Corruption Machine?
The Trump shooting on Saturday may have been a lone crazed gunman. But Trump’s security appears to be like: A bank manager leaving the bank vault open, the front door open, the cameras turned off, the alarm turned off, leaving no one in the bank, and having signs in front of the bank all weekend telling everyone of the situation in the bank. Then the bank manager being surprised on Monday to find his bank had been robbed. He did everything he could to get his bank robbed. So, is Biden responsible for the attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump? It sure looks like it.
“Pills” Biden
Dr. “Pills” Biden: How much influence does she actually wield over the White House? Supposedly the sniper teams were pulled off the Trump detail and sent to the “Pills” Biden detail. Is the “Doc” one of those who are orchestrating the assaults against Trump? How intertwined is Jill and Joe in the operating of the Presidency? How much influence did Hillary have over Bill’s Presidency? Spouses of the President should be barred from influence over “The Office and Operation of the Presidency.” The President is elected to the office. The spouse is just along for the ride. They are not elected. They should not be running the Operations and the Office of the Presidency.
Impeach Dr. Jill “Pills” Biden
There is another aspect. There is a family who is living the horror and shame of this tragedy. (This is not to diminish the tragic loss of Corey Comperatore’s family is suffering.) The crazed gunman’s family is living through the nightmare their son created. They’re living with the horror and shock of what their son did, as well as the loss of their son. Anytime someone does something like this, it is the family who bears the brunt of the shame and horror. Jesus said to pray for your enemies. The son made his choice, but the family has to pay the consequences. As we pray for Corey Comperatore’s family, we should also say a prayer for the gunman’s family. Everything about this incident is tragic. There are no winners. There are only people who have suffered losses.
May God comfort everybody involved in this sadness.
May God comfort everybody involved in this sadness.