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Our Military
Our Children in The Military Should Not Be Dying to Protect the Financial Investments of Corporations, Politicians, and Foreign Governments. No parent deserves to be a Gold Star Parent. “He tried to kill my daddy” is not a good reason for thousands of Americans to be killed or wounded. Our troops are here to defend America. They should not be there to protect politicians’ portfolios. 
Our Politicians Are Out of Control.  
Many politicians will say anything to get elected while giving treasonous loyalties to their donors. These politicians seem to believe that they are only responsible to their donors. The truth is that their responsibility is to their constituents.  
Fixing the System
Most Americans don’t want money sent to Ukraine. We do not need more Continuing Resolutions. We need to fix the system. Term limits is not the answer. The only way we can fix this system is if no politician ever runs unopposed again. Competition is healthy. If our children can be trained to die honorably on the battlefield, they can be trained to serve honorably in Congress. There is no reason to have hundred-year-old senile Senators dying in office. If we cannot trust our children, then we have failed. 
Corrupt Government & Debt:  
During the polar vortex somebody turned the electricity off in Texas. People died. Private e-mail systems allow government officials to circumvent the FOIA requirements. Corporations and rogue nations buy off politicians to pass laws to Americans detriment. Politicians and governmental agencies allow UN member states to control our laws. Government officials sell out this country for their own self-interests. No more money for foreign governments, foreign wars or illegal aliens. The funded liability is about 34 trillion dollars. What is the true unfunded liability? 
J6 Defendants & Local Citizens:  
What happened to the J6 defendants is happening to people all over this country: People are charged with a crime & given a high bail. They either sign a plea agreement, pay a bond forfeiture or sit in jail for years. Being accused of a crime and convicted of a crime is not the same thing, except in our judicial system. 
The Attack on Our 2A Rights:  
It Is Treasonous to Disarm the Populace.” Sometimes it seems as if every judge, local, state, and federal official wants to strip our God-given Second Amendment Rights. Lawful consciences gun owners are the final line of defense for this country. The founders knew a well-armed populace is a safe country. Taking guns away from the population is suicide for any country. No part of the government has any right to infringe on the right of any lawful citizen to own and bear arms. The demented ludicrous acts of a few deranged individuals should not impinge on the Constitutional Rights of our nation.  
“It’s Nobody’s Business Why We Need a Certain Firearm.”  You have a double-barrel shotgun. Why do you need an AR-15? A farmer went out one day and saw several wild dogs eating his baby goats as they were being born. You don’t always have time to manually re-chamber a round to protect your livestock. When a threat comes, you must deal with it quickly and accurately.  
The Border:  
This Is an Invasion. The people coming across the border are not here to be Americans. They’re here to get what they can for themselves. A country without a secure border is like having untreated fire ant beds all around the house: “The more you ignore it… the more you’re gonna get bit.”  
Gun control is the fastest way to destroy America. There are about one and a half million personnel in our armed forces. There are at least fifty to one hundred million illegal aliens in our country. How can our military fight a hundred million foreign militant fighters? We need to increase our military. The only way we can seriously defend against tens of millions of armed invaders is for America to have a strong well-armed civilian militia.  

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