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Acquiring Greenland is vital to the future well-being of The United States. However there is one area that has a greater strategic necessity for the preservation of America. Trump should acquire Baja California by any means necessary. Trump should take Baja and fill it from top to bottom with every form of military base we can put there. Let’s just say that the Sea of Cortez’ most northern tip is only a few miles from Yuma, Arizona, Trump should seriously consider the strategic importance of controlling the access to the Sea of Cortez, Gulf of California, Gulf of Trump, Sea of Trump, The Trump Sea.
What is so important, and why should we care if the northern edge of the Sea of Cortez is only a few miles from Yuma Arizona? Yuma is a major proving ground for the military. Yuma is about two hundred miles east of San Diego. If a hostile carrier strike group with accompanying submarines were to sail to the most northern area of the Sea of Cortez, they would be within distance of Yuma, San Diego, LA, Area 51, Phoenix, White Sands, El Paso & every where in between. But the more important issue is that they would be a straight shot to the Hoover Dam & lake Mead. Taking out the Hoover Dam shuts down a major source of electricity for the Southwest United States. Taking out the Hoover Dam releases the water Of Lake Mead to flood down the Colorado River Basin.
Before the Hoover Dam was built the Colorado River would often overflow it’s banks flooding the areas known as the Imperial Valley and the Mexicali Valley. Then the waters would generally flow down the lower lands and the fault lines to the great salt basin. Much of the Imperial Valley lies at or below sea level. The City of Calipatria lies at about one hundred eighty four feet below sea level. (To contrast Holtville is about one foot above sea level. El Centro, approximately ten miles west of Holtville is well below sea level.) Why is this important?
If a carrier strike force in the Sea Of Cortez destroyed the Hoover Dam, then the electrical and fresh water production for much of the southwest region of the United States would be destroyed. The waters from Lake Mead would flood The Imperial Valley, The Mexicali Valley, The Yuma Valley and the Palos Verde Valley. These areas combined encompass one of the most prolific food production areas of the world. The flood would destroy one of the most vital transportation corridors in the country. Interstate ten, interstate eight and major rail lines would be hampered or destroyed. All transportation of goods would be halted from the southern California to Phoenix. There would be nothing in or out of the region.
Trump should acquire Baja California by any means necessary. Trump should take Baja and fill it from top to bottom with every form of military base we can put there.
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