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Gun control is the fastest way to destroy America.
It is treasonous to disarm the populace.
The Attack on Our 2A Rights:
Sometimes it seems as if every local, state, federal official and judge wants to strip our God given Second Amendment rights. Lawful consciences gun owners are the final line of defense for this country. The founders knew a well-armed populace was a safe country. Taking guns away from the population is suicide for any country. No part of the government has any right to infringe on the right of any lawful citizen to own and bear arms. The demented ludicrous acts of a few deranged individuals should not impinge on the Constitutional Rights of a nation. It is treasonous to disarm the populace.
2A-Gun Safety and Responsibility:
Every law-abiding gun owner knows that when they obtain a weapon of any kind, they are responsible for that weapon. With rights comes responsibility. Responsible gun owners know that when a person buys a gun, they are responsible for that weapon from the time of acquisition to the last shot fired. They are responsible for that bullet until it is fired and comes to a rest. Whoever controls that weapon is responsible for the outcome of that fired shot.
You have a double barrel shot gun. Why do you need an AR-15? A farmer went out one day and saw several wild dogs eating his baby goats as they were being born. You don’t always have time to manually re-chamber a round to protect your livestock. When a threat comes you must deal with it quickly and accurately. It’s nobody’s business why we need a certain firearm.