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The Bigger Story
Why I’m running:Texas U.S.4th Congressional District?
I am a U.S. Navy Veteran. After the military, I worked my way through college. I met my wife in college. We have been married for thirty-seven years. We raised our five children on our farm in Gunter, Texas. My wife and I are at the age of retirement. We had no desire to take on any new projects. We looked forward to living out a nice quiet retirement. However, we can no longer ignore the reality of the world around us.
Like many Americans we hear politicians saying anything to get elected while taking money and favors from questionable sources and paying back those sources with treasonous loyalties. Our government is out of control. I never thought I’d ever see this level of treasonous corruption from our government. We had a Secretary of State selling American uranium to Russia. Now we have a President openly trying to provoke a war with Russia. How many plane loads of cash have Hillary, Obama and Biden sent to Muslim countries? Are they sending this cash to promote any legitimate agenda? Or are they depositing plane loads of U.S Treasury money into hawala accounts? Every American should be outraged at what is going on in our government.
We have a president who helped start a war in Ukraine. He pushed to send billions of dollars to fund the war effort. How much of that money came back to him and his friends? How much money did Sam Bankman-Fried send back to Biden and the DNC? How many OPERATIVES are there sending money back to U.S. government officials.
Kevin McCarthy was a big part of “War-Raping” of America. He had no right to put his political career ambitions ahead of his responsibility to the American people. The government wants to hire eighty-five thousand new IRS agents to make sure everybody in America pays their “fair share”. They take that “fair share” collected into the U.S. Treasury by the courts, guns and bureaucracy just to send untold billions of those dollars to our political leader’s pet projects and sending money around the world.
It seems like everything we have comes from China. All our medications come from China. What’s in our prescriptions? We don’t know because it comes from China. What’s in the plastics in our kid’s toys, water bottles, food packaging, etc.? We don’t know, maybe because it comes from China? We need to bring our production back to America.
Corrupt politicians are passing insane laws that benefit the rest of the world to the detriment of Americans. “The banks are too big to fail.” Bush and Obama both pulled that trick. “You have to pass the bill to see what’s in it.” That is insane. “If you don’t put your money in the bank, you must be doing something illegal.” This is the excuse for civil forfeiture. Any money you put into the bank is no longer your money. It belongs to the bank and the government. You have access to your accounts as long as the banks and the government allow you to have access to your accounts.
For most of us, we spend our money on what we need to live so we can go to work. We go to work so we can afford to put fuel in our cars, to pay rent/ mortgage, car payments, taxes and fees. In this country, we have good people with good jobs living on the streets. This madness needs to stop.
Many elites are working hard to make communism the law of the land in America. My wife was born in Canton China in the 1950’s. Her family saw the rise of communism. Her mother was sent to a work farm. She had no choice. She was told to go. She went. If a party member saw a pretty girl who would make lots of money in the brothels. She was taken. There was no way to say no. If a girl became pregnant, they just aborted the baby. There was no thought or discussion. They just removed the baby and discarded it like trash.
I graduated from California Baptist College with degrees in Sociology and Religion. While attending Cal Baptist My wife and I were members of a Chinese Church. Many of the members were from all over Asia. Some of my sociology classes visited with Holocaust survivors. While in the Navy I had the opportunity to meet with other Holocaust survivors. After forty years they still had “the horror” in their eyes. But nothing I ever saw has ever compared to the horror in the eyes of the survivors of what the Khmer Rouge and the Russians did to the people of Cambodia and Thailand. We hear stories of atrocities. But to look into the eyes of people who are telling their actual experience of having to crawl out of a pit through the bodies of their dead parents, friends, families and neighbors was bone chilling. The communists do not value life. If they have to kill a million or a billion people to achieve their goals, they will just order a more effective way of killing people. In Cambodia, the Russians would fly two planes over an area. Each plane would spray a clear liquid. The two liquids would mix in the air. The rain would turn yellow falling through the sky. Whatever the yellow rain would touch would die. Plants, animals, and people died. The Communists have no regard for life.
J6 Defendants:
What’s happening to the J6 defendants is happening to people all over this country. People are charged with a crime. They’re given a high bail. They are left in jail for years until either they pay the bail forfeiture, or they sign a plea agreement. This is happening all over the country. This practice needs to stop. They did it to the J6 defendants. They’ve done it to President Trump. And they are doing it to people all over this country.
Life on the Border:
In the early nineteen seventies many illegal aliens came flooding across the border. At the time it was my understanding that the flood gates were opened by some federal program out of Washington D.C. There always seemed to be some sort of federal program allowing non-documented aliens to come across the border to work. If a person would tell their boss that they could not feed their family on minimum wage bosses generally replied, “if you don’t like your job there are a million people across the border who want your job.” This is one reason for the border invasions is to keep the wages down and the profits high.
Crooked Corporations:
On March 2, 2023, A small hailstorm went through Sherman, Texas. My car was hit by small hail. I called the insurance company. My wife and I met with the appraiser. Within hours a towing company from an auto auction company working with the insurance company insisted on picking up our car. We paid the car off. The towing company and the insurance company contacted my wife and me about a dozen times a day insisting on picking up the car. They insisted that our car had been reported to the state as “totaled” and there would forever be a “clouded title” on the car. They said the car was useless for resale with a “clouded title”. They were so insistent on obtaining our car they sent a demand letter to Toyota Finance demanding the title. Toyota finance sent the title of our car to the insurance company. It took several months working with our attorneys, politicians and government agencies to get our car title back from the insurance company. When the title came there was a note from Toyota Finance written on the title: “No fraud intended”.
Why did they work so hard to get our car? During the pandemic there was a shortage of new vehicles. The price of new and used vehicles skyrocketed. Our used Camry was at that time worth more used than we paid for it new. By working with the auto auction company, the insurance company would not have to pay for the repair of our car. The auction company advertised on their website that they sold lightly damaged cars. In the State of Texas, a vehicle title cannot be “salvaged” for hail damage alone (Registration and Title Bulletin # 016-17). When the adjuster inspected the damage to our car, he pulled the front bumper apart and broke the driver seat bolster. Our car only had superficial cosmetic hail damage. Insurance companies have been playing this same game all over the country. The insurance companies have a fiduciary responsibility to look out for our best financial interests regarding our automobile insurance. They abandoned us for their own financial greed.
The Left Is Out of Control:
Valentine Day weekend after Biden’s inauguration during the polar vortex they turned the electricity off in Texas. People died. Were they punishing Trump supporters? They came after Trump supporters.
I had Trump signs in the front of my property. A few weeks after Biden’s inauguration an old red sedan was parked near my front gate. When I pulled into my driveway the car slowly pulled in behind me. I pulled up about a hundred yards and stopped. A lady walked up to my car. She had no identification with her. She leaned into the car’s front passenger side window. She said that she was an IRS agent. She presented no ID or badge. I told her this was private property, and she had no right to be there, and she needed to leave. She said they were going to keep coming until they got their answers. I continually repeated the same phrase. Then she said she was a Treasury Agent. She repeated the same argument and threats. Then she said she worked for the Census Bureau. I told her several times that she was on private property, she had no business being there and that she needed to leave. She refused to leave. Finally, she said she had a business card in her car. It was a Census Bureau business card out of Colorado. She came out of Colorado to North Texas to harass Trump Supporters.
Abortion is the death of a child. If a woman wants to terminate her pregnancy, she will find a way to do it. Abortion is a moral issue. You cannot legislate morality. The abortion argument is about money and power. There are three basic questions to ask. Who is going to pay for the abortions? Who is going to profit from the abortions? Who has the ultimate power to regulate abortions?
Who is going to pay for the abortions? This is the crux of the argument. Who is going to pay the millions and billions of dollars to provide for the abortions? The left wants the federal government to pay for abortions. Who is going to profit from the abortions? In short, any organization that uses fetal tissue for any reason. The power to regulate abortions lies with the states.
The Tenth Amendment gives the states the right to decide what powers to grant to the federal government. The federal government has no business telling women whether or not a woman can or cannot have an abortion. If you give the federal government the power to declare who can or cannot have an abortion, what will stop the federal government from just declaring who must have an abortion? This is the policy that the Communist China enforces. Abortion is in the state’s purview to regulate. The right to choose or not to choose to have an abortion is safer in the hands of individual states and not the federal government.
The Attack on Our 2A Rights:
Sometimes it seems as if every local, state, federal official and judge wants to strip our God given Second Amendment rights. Lawful consciences gun owners are the final line of defense for this country. The founders knew a well-armed populace was a safe country. Taking guns away from the population is suicide for any country. No part of the government has any right to infringe on the right of any lawful citizen to own and bear arms. The demented ludicrous acts of a few deranged individuals should not impinge on the Constitutional Rights of a nation. It is treasonous to disarm the populace.
2A-Gun Safety and Responsibility:
Every law-abiding gun owner knows that when they obtain a weapon of any kind, they are responsible for that weapon. With rights comes responsibility. Responsible gun owners know that when a person buys a gun, they are responsible for that weapon from the time of acquisition to the last shot fired. They are responsible for that bullet until it is fired and comes to a rest. Whoever controls that weapon is responsible for the outcome of that fired shot.
You have a double barrel shot gun. Why do you need an AR-15? A farmer went out one day and saw several wild dogs eating his baby goats as they were being born. You don’t always have time to manually re-chamber a round to protect your livestock. When a threat comes you must deal with it quickly and accurately. It’s nobody’s business why we need a certain firearm.
The Border:
A country without a secure border is like having fire ant beds all around the house foundation left untreated.
The more you ignore it… the more you get bit.
Gun control is the fastest way to destroy America. Take a good look at the men walking across the border. Many of them appear to be military trained personnel. The radical Islamic fighters in the Middle East used to say that they were coming to America. Are they here?
At any one time there are about one and a half million personnel in our armed forces. Much of the military is comprised of support and logistics staff. The Roman Tenth Legion had six thousand soldiers and four thousand support staff. Not everybody in the military is front line fighting personnel. A percentage of the military personnel will probably never see actual combat fighting.
For the last fifty years, we have been told that there are only eleven million illegal aliens in America. Before the Biden Invasion, how many illegal aliens were actually in this country? How many more people have actually crossed our borders during this Biden Invasion?
We see people crossing the southern border by the tens of thousands. We have seen millions of fighting age men crossing our border. Men, women, and children are crossing our border every day. Some people estimate that there are at least fifty to one hundred million illegal aliens in our country. How can our military of one and a half million fight fifty to one hundred million or more foreign militant fighters? What happens if those militant fighters are suddenly supported by aggressive foreign countries? The potential threat is real.
In an old TV show, “Silent Service S01 E28: The Gar Story”, a WW2-era Filipina guerilla fighter asked, “You think it makes difference who pulls trigger?”. Does it matter if a man or a woman pulls the trigger? The enemy soldier is still just as dead. In WW2, Russia found that women were often better snipers than men. In Vietnam, women were effective fighters. We are importing men, women, and children. Arafat set up a system in the Palestinian people to hate the enemy to the point of death. The parents were proud to have their children die for their beliefs. The children were eager to sacrifice themselves to defeat the enemy by dying with honor and glory.
The only way we can seriously defend against tens of millions of armed invaders is for America to have a strong well-armed civilian militia. How can we be well armed if we have no guns or ammo? How can we fight invaders if we have to live in constant fear of our own government if we try to buy guns and ammo?
Corrupt Government:
Everybody seems shocked that Hillary had a private e-mail server. Supposedly anybody who was important in the government had their own private e-mail server. I believe it was Colin Powell who talked about how the private e-mail system allowed them to circumvent the FOIA requirements.
What’s really destroying our nation? It is corporations and rogue nations who buy off politicians to pass laws to the detriment of Americans. It is politicians and governmental agencies who allow UN member states to control our laws. It’s corrupt government officials who sell out this country for their own self interests. It’s corrupt news media that pushes narratives that legitimize world government viewpoints over American sanctity.
Schools Violating Our Kids:
Children are being socialized into believing they must be different, or something is wrong with them. Children are being brainwashed into believing that there are multitudes of different genders. Children are encouraged to mutilate themselves to express their own sexuality. Parents should be given the opportunity to come together to defend their children without fear of reprisal. Children should be allowed and encouraged to express the cultural and religious heritage of their parents and family. The parents should be in charge of a child’s religious beliefs. A child should be raised following the precepts of their families rather than a “Freaked Out Tik-Tok Beauty Queen” teacher.
Life is not about being pretty. Life is about being true and faithful to God’s principles. Life is about teaching our children to respect God and His ways. We may disagree on who God is. In this country we each have the right to worship God as we believe is proper and correct. We have the right to teach our children to worship God as we see fit. No school has the right to countermand our right to teach our children our faith in God.
China Collecting Our Data and Meta Data:
For people who use CPAP machines look to see how much information is being sent to your doctor. It may astound you. For people who use electronic night/thermal scopes how much information is being captured? Where is all this information being sent? Several years ago, this would have been called paranoia. Today these questions need to be seriously considered. How much of our personal information is being collected by our smart devices, medical professionals or retail merchants? How much of that information is being transferred to places like China? If personal data information is power, then who is collecting all the information? It’s been widely reported that China is collecting personal and biological information on every American. Why? Who else is getting all that personal information? The likely scenario is that somebody is capturing the information and selling it to whoever is willing to pay the price. The reality is that our personal information is being brokered. Who is selling our information? Who is buying our personal information? This is one area of our lives that should be regulated.
Oil Production:
“Drill Baby Drill”, “Weld Baby Weld”. We need more oil and gas production. We need self-independence. We don’t need other countries dictating our gas and fuel prices. We need to control our own economic future.
Spending & Debt:
We should not give any more money to foreign governments, foreign wars or illegal aliens. Our children in the military should not be dying to protect the financial investments of corporations, politicians and foreign governments. The funded liability is at about 34 trillion dollars. How much unfunded liability is hanging around our country’s neck?
A Great model of our Representatives: Ralph Hall
If you had ever met Ralph Hall, you’d agree that he was one of the few good people in politics. He was instantly a friend. He took care of his constituents. That is what a representative is supposed to do for his district.
Millions of good hard-working Americans would do better in Congress protecting America than our professional politicians. There are veterans, police officers, plumbers, electricians, welders who love our country. We need our neighbors in Congress. We need people who we know and trust in Congress. We do not need professional politicians in Congress selling our country to the highest bidder. We don’t need carpet bagging professional politicians traveling around to find districts they can win with dark money. We need to train our children so they can run for Congress in our own districts to represent us.
Personal Statement:
I believe that Jesus Christ is my “Lord God Almighty, and my Savior.”
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