Views: 9America and Armageddon: Armageddon, the greatest battle that never takes place. All the nations and armies of the world gather against Israel under three […]
January 6 – Patriots
Views: 12We, as Americans, must put a stop to all this “J6” prosecution of “Patriotic Americans.” We must show support for our fellow Americans who […]
Tiananmen Square Massacre
Views: 8JUNE is Tiananmen Square month. The Massacre serves as a reminder of what a corrupt Government will do to it’s people. June 4, is […]
Histories Greatest Monsters
Views: 6Histories Greatest Monsters This is one of those subjects that no matter how hard you work to be accurately loyal to the truth, the […]
Hunger vs Malnutrition
Views: 6Protect Our Food Nutrition & Clean Drinking Water Hunger vs Malnutrition Hunger is not eating for a few days. Money runs out on Sunday. […]
Chinese Interference
Views: 7Chinese Interference China should be declared a hostile nation. China must lose “Favored Nation” status. China must be stripped of all rights and privileges […]
American Heros
Views: 4American Heroes Every American patriot since before the founding of this nation has known that freedom comes at a very high price. For over […]
The Monsters of China
Views: 0Are the “Monsters of China” destroying America from the inside? Are they using our own money to finance our own destruction? Are they using […]
Fixing Our POLITICAL Mess
Views: 9Fixing Our Political Mess Term Limits is not the answer. Term limits only gives foreign governments and corrupt corporations a time line for when […]
Gettysburg Address
Views: 7Text of Lincoln’s Speech (Bliss copy) Delivered at the dedication of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Four score and seven years ago […]