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Satire, Cynicism, Humor & Opinions are tools to dramatize the need for change in a complacent world.
© Don Horn 2024
If Xi Jinping goes down as the “Butcher of Beijing,” then who is going to pay Joe & Hunter’s salary? Apparently Xi is having some “Domestic” problems at home. When is a tiger or a snake most deadly? When they are wounded and cornered? May be Hunter can cozy up to the former Mayor of Moscow’s wife. May be Putin might have a position for them? Does Ukraine need a new Border Czar? May be Kamala can help book hotel rooms for Russian Immigrants in Kiev Putingrad. Is there free parking for tanks?
It would be nice to see old friends in Taiwan. It would be good to visit the In-Laws in Hong Kong. It would be wonderful to fulfill a long time desire to visit Tiananmen Square. The brother-in-law’s ex-wife was born in Vietnam. The last report was that she and the kids were living in Australia. As we get older visiting old friends and relatives become more important. However, this might not be a good idea at this time.
As long as the Creepy Chinese Punks hold the death knell to the throats of the Chinese People, no decent American should be dealing with China. The Chinese People must be freed from even the threats of death & destruction for even having any thought of disobedience. Our China friendly government must not be allowed to drag us into the same existence that the Chinese people now live. We should not have to live under the threat of destruction for disobedience.
We are Americans. We say and do whatever we believe is Right. We should question who is controlling our government. 200 million of us stand ready to defend our Constitutional Rights.
Many Americans want access to Cheap Chinese Products. The cheapest labor cost is slave and prison labor.
Eric Smidt, Harbor Freight Founder, Every year you send me “no-reply” e-mails:
“Today, we pay tribute to the brave men and women who have served in our U.S. Armed Forces. Each year on Veterans Day we reflect upon the great sacrifices they made to help protect our freedom and democracy.”
If you really want to HONOR American Veterans, STOP IMPORTING and STOCKING YOUR STORES with Cheap Chinese Crap from China! Stop funding China’s war effort!
© Don Horn 2024
© Don Horn 2024
It would be nice to see old friends in Taiwan. It would be good to visit the In-Laws in Hong Kong. It would be wonderful to fulfill a long time desire to visit Tiananmen Square. The brother-in-law’s ex-wife was born in Vietnam. The last report was that she and the kids were living in Australia. As we get older visiting old friends and relatives become more important. However, this might not be a good idea at this time.
As long as the Creepy Chinese Punks hold the death knell to the throats of the Chinese People, no decent American should be dealing with China. The Chinese People must be freed from even the threats of death & destruction for even having any thought of disobedience. Our China friendly government must not be allowed to drag us into the same existence that the Chinese people now live. We should not have to live under the threat of destruction for disobedience.
We are Americans. We say and do whatever we believe is Right. We should question who is controlling our government. 200 million of us stand ready to defend our Constitutional Rights.
Chinese Interference
China should be declared a hostile nation. China must lose “Favored Nation” status. China must be stripped of all rights and privileges in America. As Americans we should be supporting American companies and “Mom & Pop” operations. We should be looking for locally owned companies and locally produced products. Shut down the Chinese strong hold on our throats. China should not have free reign to do whatever they want to Americans. (Shortly before his death, Joseph Campbell did a big expose’ on Walmart’s business practices. If you can find it, it’s worth watching. I can no longer find it.)
© Don Horn 2024
Chinese Crap Production (CCP)
We as Americans are getting tired of Chinese games. Bring in shiny objects from China. Whether the products work or don’t work doesn’t matter. Just make it pretty. Make it extremely profitable. Make it sell. If you can make enough profit, then you can give a liberal return policy. How about making a product that has less profitability and more reliability? It seems strange that the old high quality Sears “Craftman” hand tools disappeared about the same time “Harbor Freight” started taking over the market. Is this the Chinese business strategy? Buy the quality product company and replace it with higher profit margin shiny junk hawking companies?
If you are tired of companies like “Harbor Freight’s” quality, “sales”, coupons, etc., then do something about it. Or, we will only be left with nothing but pure Chinese junk/crap everywhere. Oh yeah, that’s what we have now. We as Americans are tired of the crap, from our heavy duty work trucks to the wrenches to fix those broken down pieces of overpriced junk. Do corporations care about customers opinions? Apparently, customers are only a source of revenues so they can continue to purchase more crap from “crap” suppliers, i.e China.
All the tractors from every manufacturer are way over priced. This is not just Bidenomics. This goes to Chinese pricing strategy: “build it as cheap as you can and get every penny possible.” Then we have companies like John Deere. The tractors are beautiful. They are amazing works of art. But try working on it. (There are a lot of people in the “Right-to-Repair” movement. You can contact them for more information.) We are again back to large corporations wanting to move operations to Mexico. Production plants who had UAW strikes are now laying off workers and moving the operations to Mexico, or other “off-shore” production facilities. This has to stop. We Are Americans!!! Globalizing only benefits the super-rich and the super-powerful (i.e. Xi, George, Vlad & all their friends).
© Don Horn 2024
We must have a “Government of the American people, by the American people, for the American people!”
Are the “Monsters of China” destroying America from the inside? Are they using our own money to finance our own destruction? Are they using our own money to corrupt our politicians to create treason against America? Which politicians are taking money from China to implement Chinese policy that leads to the destruction of America? Which American Corrupt Career Politician is engaged in Treason against America and the American people?
© Don Horn 2024
Histories Greatest Monsters
This is one of those subjects that no matter how hard you work to be accurately loyal to the truth, the truth is not always believable.
In the book of Mathew, Herod was attributed with the killing (about two hundred) boys in Bethlehem under the age of two years old. Herod has been considered a monster for the “Slaughter of the Innocents.” While being pursued by the Ottoman Turks, “Vlad the Impaler,” left a field of thousands of victims impaled on poles. When the Turks came upon the grisly horror they stopped pursuing him. (The Turks are known as ruthless fighters. For them to turn back, the scene must have been horrifying.) Hitler killed over six million Jews. He is attributed with the death of over forty million people. Stalin has been attributed to the killing of over sixty million people. But none of these unimaginable horrific brutalities comes close to the achievements of the Communist Chinese.
On June 4, 1989 the Communist Chinese Army rolled into Tiananmen Square with tanks and soldiers and they killed peaceful students. The reports are that they killed a few hundred people, possibly a thousand or more. From the home movies, that were smuggled out of China, it appeared as if thousands of Chinese Children were killed. According to reports the prisons are used for organ transplant donations. Supposedly, one rich Chinese lady had three hearts donated to her by heart donors from the prison facilities. During the pandemic there were stories of the Communist Chinese forcing people into their homes with the doors and windows nailed shut. The people had no food, no water and were left to burn to death in the buildings. During the same time period there were severe rains through out China. The dam flood gates were opened to flood the already over flowing rivers. The reports were tens of thousands of people died by drowning. How many Chinese people have the Communist Chinese Government actually killed? Supposedly the Communist Chinese Government has killed hundreds of millions of Chinese people. And we have not even talked about abortions.
Over the last seventy years the Communist Chinese has forcefully aborted millions of babies. Even if the official numbers are true for women who were taken to health care professionals, doctors, nurses, clinics or hospitals, the numbers cannot reflect the amount of women who sought abortions by way of herbal medicines or other methods. How many babies have been aborted in China?
© Don Horn 2024
American children play the game: “Where’s Waldo?”. Do Chinese children play the game: “Where’s Hu Jintao”? Is he feeling better? They say he was sick for a while. As he was being lead out of the assembly, was he begging Xi Jinping for his life? Was Xi Jinping smirking as they led Hu Jintao out of the meeting? Where is Hu Jintao? If there is an update of Hu Jintao’s well being, it would be nice to know. Since the Communist Chinese Pandemic, getting good quality news sources is very difficult. Is Hu Jintao well? If he passed away, did he have a pleasant funeral? Or is he serving China in over a billion hamburgers served across China?
Where are the Communist Chinese Prison organ donors? Are they serving the world in billions of hamburgers served world wide? Does China own most of our fast food chains? There was an old Gene Hackman movie, “Prime Cut.” In the movie they disposed of unwanted human bodies into the ground hamburger meat. There are rumors coming out of China that Xi Jinping and the Communist Chinese Government disposes of unwanted human bodies in the same manner. If China owns all of our major fast food chains, including “McDonald’s”, then where are all the cattle in China? Where do they get all that ground hamburger meat for all those hamburgers and tacos served world wide? Oh Yeah, that’s why they conquered Australia.
You have to have some beef in the hamburgers? The absolute best hamburgers came from Jack-in-the-Box in the late 1970’s. These hamburgers were great. Then the news stories started coming out. Australia has a major problem with Kangaroos. They were shipping Kangaroo meat (instead of beef) for consumption in our hamburgers. Is China doing the same thing with their unwanted PRISON organ donors, protesters, covid patients, political rivals, etc? How many millions of unwanted human beings can be disposed of through the world wide fast food industrial food chain network in any given year? Where’s Hu Jintao? Where’s the Beef?… Soylent Green anybody?
There are a lot of people in this country who work with DNA testing. How about the next time you get what seems like a piece of bone or tooth in your hamburger, then why don’t you do a simple DNA test on the sample to see what, or who, was in your hamburger. If the results are shocking, then send a copy of the results to your Congressman, news agency, favorite blogger, influencer, etc. Disseminate the information everywhere!!!
© Don Horn 2024
China Collecting Our Data and Meta Data:
For people who use CPAP machines look to see how much information is being sent to your doctor. It may astound you. For people who use electronic night/thermal scopes how much information is being captured? Where is all this information being sent? Several years ago, this would have been called paranoia. Today these questions need to be seriously considered. How much of our personal information is being collected by our smart devices, medical professionals or retail merchants? How much of that information is being transferred to places like China? If personal data information is power, then who is collecting all the information? It’s been widely reported that China is collecting personal and biological information on every American. Why? Who else is getting all that personal information? The likely scenario is that somebody is capturing the information and selling it to whoever is willing to pay the price. The reality is that our personal information is being brokered. Who is selling our information? Who is buying our personal information? This is one area of our lives that should be regulated.
© Don Horn 2024
JUNE is Tiananmen Square month.
The Massacre serves as a reminder of what a corrupt Government will do to it’s people.
June 4, is China’s Juneteenth
“The Day Slavery Ended in Texas”
The Tiananmen Square Massacre
The Massacre serves as a reminder of what a corrupt Government will do to it’s people.
When the CHINESE Army would not destroy the kids, they (“The Old Men”) brought in the Mongolian troops.
© Don Horn 2024
We commemorate the students on the thirty-five year
anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.
(6/04/1989 – 6/04/2024)
Tiananmen Square Protest & The J6 Protesters
There seems to be some similarities between the reactions of the Communist Chinese to the Tiananmen Square Protest and the aftermath of the J6 protest. In both cases the governments went through their country looking for the leaders, as well as the participants. In regards to the Tiananmen Square Protest: After the massacre, the Communist Chinese Government went through China searching for anybody who had anything to do with the Tiananmen Square Protest. (The images of kids being run over by tanks and shot with machine guns evoke a strong reaction.)
Similarly, the Biden Administration has gone through our country searching for the participants of the J6 rally. The Biden administration seems to be emulating the CCP’s reaction to any and all dissenting protests. The strong visceral reactions of the Democrats towards Trump and the J6 defendants seems very similar to the reaction of the CCP towards the Tiananmen Square Protesters.
A certain young Chinese student was at the Tiananmen Square massacre. They were smuggled out of China shortly after the massacre. (Many of their friends were hunted down and butchered like animals) They brought home movies with them. You don’t want to see what the Communist Chinese Party did to innocent young Chinese people who were trying to learn the meaning of freedom.
The Chinese Military ran over young kids with tanks then mowed them down with machine guns mounted onto jeep looking military vehicles. The images were so graphic and horrifying that even a hardcore Marine was shocked.
Life in Asia Holocaust
Many elites are working hard to make communism the law of the land in America. My wife was born in Canton China in the 1950’s. Her family saw the rise of communism. Her mother was sent to a work farm. She had no choice. She was told to go. She went. If a party member saw a pretty girl who would make lots of money in the brothels. She was taken. There was no way to say no. If a girl became pregnant, they just aborted the baby. There was no thought or discussion. They just removed the baby and discarded it like trash.
I graduated from California Baptist College with degrees in Sociology and Religion. While attending Cal Baptist My wife and I were members of a Chinese Church. Many of the members were from all over Asia. Some of my sociology classes visited with World War 2 Holocaust survivors. While in the Navy I had the opportunity to meet with other World War 2 Holocaust survivors. After forty years they still had “the horror” in their eyes. But nothing I ever saw has ever compared to the horror in the eyes of the survivors of what the Khmer Rouge and the Russians did to the people of Cambodia and Thailand. We hear stories of atrocities. But to look into the eyes of people who are telling their actual experience of having to crawl out of a pit through the bodies of their dead parents, friends, families and neighbors was bone chilling. The communists do not value life. If they have to kill a million or a billion people to achieve their goals, they will just order a more effective way of killing people. In Cambodia, the Russians would fly two planes over an area. Each plane would spray a clear liquid. The two liquids would mix in the air. The rain would turn yellow falling through the sky. Whatever the yellow rain would touch would die. Plants, animals, and people died. The Communists have no regard for life.
The Bible says something about two-thirds of everything that walks, crawls or flies on the earth and swims in the oceans will perish. So if we are all going to perish sooner rather than later, then why not say what you really want to say while you’re still able to say it?
Stand up and make your voice heard from the rooftops to the ends of the earth. If you love God, then shout it out loud and proud. It is our time for our voices to be heard.
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