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No Retreating
There are some events that are so devastating that no amount of sick humor or vile political satire will alleviate the anger and anguish. On July 13, 2024, our country experienced such an event. The assassination attempt of President Trump caused a political and spiritual watershed in this country. There is no going back to the way things were before the event. We’ve reached a crisis point that forces each and every American to evaluate what kind of country do we want America to be. One thing is certain, all Christians must turn to God Almighty to seek guidance in prayer and fasting in these troubled times.
There is no Retreating. There is no Escape from the dangers ahead. There is no Cowardice allowed. There is only Faith in the Path Forward.
“Our battle is not against flesh and blood…”Ephesians 6:12
© Don Horn 2024
It looks like Trump is endorsing Mike Johnson again. Ronna McDaniel, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, Mike Johnson: Trump sure must be a glutton for punishment. May be he just likes knives in his back. How many people has he endorsed that wound up stabbing him in the back (figuratively speaking)?
“United We Stand- Firm.”
Any interference in our elections is treason and an act of war. Just so you know. Will Trump do anything about it? Is Trump mad enough yet? You’ll have to ask him. But, 200 million Americans stand behind our President. It is his call. We just back his play. “United We Stand- Firm.”
© Don Horn 2024
Stop the Enablers
The time for mourning is over. The time to wake up to a bright fresh morning is here. It is time to wake up and start working. It is a new day.
Every Communist country is controlled by only a few people. Those people exist to control power by the will of the complicit, the enablers. It was the unscrupulous courts interfering that allowed the travesty of 2020. Was it John Roberts that openly stated he was not going to do anything to help Trump? Was it Jeffery Epstein that helped John Roberts to adopt his daughters? Was it Obama who used to chastise John Roberts from the State of the Union Addresses? So, if the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court openly declared that he was not going to do anything to help Trump, then did that attitude from the SCOTUS give permission to all of the lower courts to openly rebel against Trump, the lawful President of the United States? Did John Roberts actions give the DOJ permission to target President Trump? Did John Roberts openly and willingly cause a situation of willful sedition, rebellion and insurrection against a sitting President of the United States? Is John Roberts guilty of insurrection, sedition, and treason against our President? How perverse has our country become? It was the perverse judicial system that perverted the course of justice in this country. What do they have to hide? What does John Roberts have to hide?
Is it the Bush/Cheney group that control the RINOs? The Clintons- they just appear to be a power grubbing, money grabbing, child molesting, friend murdering, drugged out demonic nightmare of a mess. What about the Obamas’? They never left the White House. How many operatives did Obama have in the Trump White House sabotaging Trump’s efforts? And look at what we have to look forward to: Pills Biden, the Drugged Squad and all their in-laws, outlaws and other family squabblers. Stop the enablers and the Communist Dictators cannot exist.
The Greeks gave us the concept of “Democracy.” Though it was the same Greeks that found it necessary to give the concept of “Ostracize”? The Greeks found that their leaders having been in power could not resist the temptation of remaining and meddling in the governmental power. The Greeks found it necessary to ostracize the outgoing leaders. What do we have in the Bushes, the Clintons and the Obamas? We have old worn out leaders clinging to power and destroying OUR country and raking in billions of dollars. It appears we have old corrupt treasonous leaders aligning with foreign world dictators who are hell bent on destroying America.
Stop the enablers and the Communist Dictators cannot exist.
© Don Horn 2024
Dr. “Pills” Biden: How much influence does she actually wield over the White House? Is the “Doc” one of those who are orchestrating the assaults against Trump? How intertwined is Jill and Joe in the operating of the Presidency? How much influence did Hillary have over Bill’s Presidency? Spouses of the President should be barred from influence over “The Office and Operation of the Presidency.” The President is elected to the office. The spouse is just along for the ride. They are not elected. They should not be running the Operations and the Office of the Presidency.
Trump & Campaign Promises
Trump spent several years yelling, “Lock her up”, “Lock her up”, “Lock her up”. Where is Hillary now? It appears the only people who were locked up were Trump’s closest advisors and friends. For several years Trump has been screaming, “Lock him up”, “Lock him up”, “Lock him up”. It looks like the only person going to jail is Trump himself. Dan Bongino asks the question, “Is it bad enough yet?” That question might not be strong enough. The proper questions are: 1) “Is Trump mad enough yet?” 2) Has Trump finally had enough of this twisted perverted justice to put a full stop to all this lunacy? 3) Does Trump have the intestinal fortitude to put a final and complete stop to all the treason and destruction targeted against our country? What is going on in America is not just about Trump. It affects all of us. We need to ask the basic question: “Does Trump have the resolve and willingness to fix the problems in this country?” Is Trump going to continue on an ego trip, or is he going to fight for our survival? Trump probably has as many as two hundred million people in this country willing to fight for him. We are fighting for our country. Trump is the symbol and the leader of the movement. We the people are the movement.
Trump is only saying what we already believe. Symbols and leaders come and go. It does not matter what they do to Trump. Even If they throw him in jail for a thousand years. It won’t stop the people from changing our country back to a country “by the people, for the people”. New leaders can always be found and pushed forward. Trump has several children. one of them could take his place. General Flynn could take his place. God always reserves a person to step up to lead his movement. We like Trump. But, getting rid of Trump won’t stop the American people. We will find a leader to take his place. We will find a way to take our country back from the self appointed elitists.
The founding fathers, along with the people, defeated the forces of King George. It was the battles of “Kings Mountain” and of the “Cowpens” where the average American people became tired of the King’s threats and brutality. It only took twenty-eight minutes for the average Americans to destroy the best of the British troops. (Some people say that the actual fighting of the battle took about a half an hour to an hour. The mopping up of the battle took up to another half an hour to an hour. Meanwhile more militiamen kept coming into the battle area immediately after the battle of the Cowpens. What is important is that when those Carolina & Tennessee Boys got pissed they took care of business.) The people are tired of the Pelosi-Biden-Clinton-Obama-Bush nightmare. The RINOs and the Democrats tried to destroy the Tea Party. It came back as the MAGA Movement. With enough resolve a fluid movement will succeed.
“…that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” From Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address
We want OUR America back.