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Warning: Conspiracy Theory Rants
(For speculative humor only. Read at your own risk)
All Pardons & Commutations & Executive Orders For a Lame Duck President
In order to stop “Biden Style” unscrupulous & corrupt pardons: for thirty days prior to a presidential election to the inauguration of the incoming President all pardons, commutations & executive orders should be by the advise and consent of the Senate.
© Don Horn 2024
The Electoral College’s concept of “Winner-Takes- All” should be Unconstitutional. It disenfranchises the rural Areas. The Larger Cities rule the vote. The reason the founding fathers set up our country the way they did was to even the playing field across all areas. Otherwise the larger states would rule all the other states. This is what we have going on in our country now. The socialist areas of California and New York rule & control our government. Each Congressional District’s electoral college vote must be counted individually. In this way each rural district vote counts just as much as each urban district vote.
Why have they gone to the winner take all system? Simple. In this system the Democrats only have to concentrate their efforts in the bigger urban population areas. It saves advertising dollars. The large well funded campaigns only need to apply their efforts in small concentrated areas. In California why pay for advertising & campaign infrastructure in rural districts that cover vast areas of the state. When a concentrated campaign effort can win by focusing on the areas of L.A., San Fransisco & San Diego, why worry about the expensive rural areas? Apparently nobody other than the big cities matters. However, In Nebraska the Democrats concentrate their efforts in Omaha, but the rest of the state votes conservative. Here in Texas, if the Democrats win Houston, Austin, Dallas & San Antonio, then nobody else matters. It disenfranchises our rural area’s vote. Hence the Electoral College’s concept of “Winner-Takes- All” should be Unconstitutional. Each Congressional District’s Electoral College vote should be counted individually.
Satire, Cynicism, Humor & Opinions are tools to dramatize the need for change in a complacent world.
© Don Horn 2024
If the left don’t like Pete Hegseth, give ’em Mike Flynn.
(Then Pete can OJT under Mike)
Eric Smidt, Harbor Freight Founder, Every year you send me “no-reply” e-mails:
“Today, we pay tribute to the brave men and women who have served in our U.S. Armed Forces. Each year on Veterans Day we reflect upon the great sacrifices they made to help protect our freedom and democracy.”
If you really want to HONOR American Veterans, STOP IMPORTING and STOCKING YOUR STORES with Cheap Chinese Crap from China!
© Don Horn 2024
Did Our Pro-Chinese Government use our EPA to intentionally destroy America to build China?
Bill Clinton said we need illegal immigration to counter lowering birth rates.
Vince Foster, Ron Brown, Loretta Fuddy, Tefari Campbell…etc. How many associates and friends of the Clintons and Obamas have died in unusual circumstances? Look how much hell has been heaped onto President Trump. Yet, President Trump did not think it would be “nice” to prosecute Hillary for her crimes. (Who is behind the assassination attempts?)
The people want vindication and answers for the horrors of the Clintons, Obamas, The Bush Family and The Biden Family. How many millions of people have died because of these people? Americans want justice. How about justice for the Ukrainians, The Afghani, the Iraqis, Covid, fentanyl? How about justice for everybody that was killed and wounded in endless wars for glory and bank accounts? Americans and the world want justice. But, it would not be “nice” to prosecute Hillary.
© Don Horn 2024
Members of Congress are there to represent us– we the people of America. Any member of Congress who knowingly accepts money or benefit from foreign countries that harms America is in violation of treason laws. Any Congressmen that knowingly took bribes should be investigated? Any Congressmen and their friends distorting the laws to remain in office should be investigated? Congress answers to the American People! America & Americans must be protected from Predators. Whoever killed the American hostages in Gaza must pay for what they did.
Dr. “Pills” Biden: How much influence does she actually wield over the White House? Is the “Doc” one of those who are orchestrating the assaults against Trump? How intertwined is Jill and Joe in the operating of the Presidency? How much influence did Hillary have over Bill’s Presidency? Spouses of the President should be barred from influence over “The Office and Operation of the Presidency.” The President is elected to the office. The spouse is just along for the ride. They are not elected. They should not be running the Operations and the Office of the Presidency.
© Don Horn 2024
American children play the game: “Where’s Waldo?”. Do Chinese children play the game: “Where’s Hu Jintao”? Is he feeling better? They say he was sick for a while. As he was being lead out of the assembly, was he begging Xi Jinping for his life? Was Xi Jinping smirking as they led Hu Jintao out of the meeting? Where is Hu Jintao? If there is an update of Hu Jintao’s well being, it would be nice to know. Since the Communist Chinese Pandemic, getting good quality news sources is very difficult. Is Hu Jintao well? If he passed away, did he have a pleasant funeral? Or is he serving China in over a billion hamburgers served across China?
Where are the Communist Chinese Prison organ donors? Are they serving the world in billions of hamburgers served world wide? Does China own most of our fast food chains? There was an old Gene Hackman movie, “Prime Cut.” In the movie they disposed of unwanted human bodies into the ground hamburger meat. There are rumors coming out of China that Xi Jinping and the Communist Chinese Government disposes of unwanted human bodies in the same manner. If China owns all of our major fast food chains, including “McDonald’s”, then where are all the cattle in China? Where do they get all that ground hamburger meat for all those hamburgers and tacos served world wide? Oh Yeah, that’s why they conquered Australia.
You have to have some beef in the hamburgers? The absolute best hamburgers came from Jack-in-the-Box in the late 1970’s. These hamburgers were great. Then the news stories started coming out. Australia has a major problem with Kangaroos. They were shipping Kangaroo meat (instead of beef) for consumption in our hamburgers. Is China doing the same thing with their unwanted PRISON organ donors, protesters, covid patients, political rivals, etc? How many millions of unwanted human beings can be disposed of through the world wide fast food industrial food chain network in any given year? Where’s Hu Jintao? Where’s the Beef?… Soylent Green anybody?
There are a lot of people in this country who work with DNA testing. How about the next time you get what seems like a piece of bone or tooth in your hamburger, then why don’t you do a simple DNA test on the sample to see what, or who, was in your hamburger. If the results are shocking, then send a copy of the results to your Congressman, news agency, favorite blogger, influencer, etc. Disseminate the information everywhere!!!
© Don Horn 2024
“The Root of All Corruption Is a Government Out of Control”
© Don Horn 2024
Do you think India is going to be better than China? No. We must be our own country. We must depend on ourselves.
Sometimes things get so screwed up we have to question everything.
America is a sovereign nation with sovereign borders that must be protected.
There must be a Constitutional Amendment requiring Proof of Citizenship to vote in federal elections!
Is this a Biblical Spiritual War we are battling? Eph. 6:12 (Is this good vs evil, or evil vs evil, or atheist vs agnostic? What’s happening?)
Many Americans want access to Cheap Chinese Products. The cheapest labor cost is slave and prison labor.
Manufacturing must be fully returned to America.
Why are Federal Agents more powerful than sitting Congressmen, Senators, Presidential Staff and a sitting President?
The power to define hate speech along with the ability to control it’s criminality is the power to enslave people.
2A Rights must Not be infringed.
Gun control is the fastest way to destroy America.
It is treasonous to disarm the populace.
Why do the Afghans keep kicking Super Power Butts…Russian, American & British? They are well armed by the super powers!
Ukraine is a quagmire we do not need to be in!
The Legal System must be FAIR, TRUE & EQUAL FOR ALL.
Parents have the Right & Responsibility to oversee their children’s education.
Abortions: The intentional systemic premeditated execution of children.
© Don Horn 2024
Terrorists must not be allowed to roam freely in our country.
Drones coming in to New Jersey from off shore.
Are they coming onshore without Longshoreman union labor? Are they being piloted without Teamster drivers? Are these drones moving into New Jersey without proof of union operators or union contracts? It’s New Jersey. Were the drones built by union labor? Where are the union dues? If the Biden Administration is too afraid to deal with the drones, then give the people of New Jersey an opportunity to deal with the drones themselves.
(Some things are just for fun.) © Don Horn 2024
Biden & Harris must be Impeached:
1) for treason, to break the “Presidential Veil” so as to open the door for future criminal investigations;
2) to stop the lunacy of these over sweeping pardons;
3) to stop the raiding of the U.S. Treasury under the guise of helping Ukraine & other countries;
4)To stop the advance of WW3.
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