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From my thoughts, notes & opinions:
Corrupt Government
Government intrusion
2A Rights
Protect Our Food Nutrition & Clean Drinking Water
The Legal System
The legal system is like a giant mega roller coaster twisted and warped against the evening sky. People are taken for a ride. They go up, they twist, turn and fall into every imaginable position. When the ride is over the passengers are left sick, dizzy, disorientated, destroyed and right back where they started. And this is where we are suppose to put our trust for any regress against a perverted political system.
Borders are designed to protect national sovereignty. If they don’t believe in national sovereignty, then why would they allow a border? If they believe a border is evil, then why would they protect the border? We will never have a national sovereign border with politicians who don’t believe in America as a sovereign nation. If we want a fully sovereign American nation, then we must vote out all the politicians who want a UN controlled world. We need to start by voting out all the RINO members of Congress. We need to start by making sure that people like Nancy Pelosi never again sit in a seat of power in our country. We must not stop until our country is legally and properly restored.
Parents have the Right & Responsibility to oversee their children’s education.
Hunger vs Malnutrition
Manufacturing must be fully returned to America.
Abortions: The intentional systemic premeditated death execution of children.
Terrorists must not be allowed to roam freely in our country.
The fool says in his heart that there is no God. Governments believe that we should be ruled by science and secular humanism, devoid of God. House leaders make a great show of getting down on their knee to pray to God. It seems incongruent for our leaders to push agendas devoid of God and yet claim a personal relationship with God. Our nation proclaims, “National Days of Prayer,” yet look at what is happening in our country. We live in a disjointed society.
People are ruled by governments. Governments are ruled by specialized self-interests. Who’s self-interest? Well, whoever has the most money and power makes the rules. It no longer appears that our country is being directed by the overshadowing guiding light of wisdom from God. We appear to be becoming a country ruled by forces completely devoid of God. Yet, there is still a vast majority of people in this country who continue to believe, trust and love God.
If you’re alive, then do you care about your beliefs? So, If you care about what you believe, then why not shout it out loud? If you’re dead, then who cares? If no one cares, then what difference does it matter what you say? “Believe what you say and say what you believe.” Stand up and shout it from the rooftops.
The Bible says something about two-thirds of everything that walks, crawls or flies on the earth and swims in the oceans will perish. So if we are all going to perish sooner rather than later, then why not say what you really want to say while you’re still able to say it? Stand up and make your voice heard from the rooftops to the ends of the earth. If you love God, then shout it out loud and proud. It is our time for our voices to be heard.
© Don Horn 2024
It’s always good to hear from you.
On a lighter side, did you explore the information on the Wise County Sheriff? It only took a few seconds to find the story:
UPI (archives) June 24, 1990: “Sheriff, bondsman implicated in drug operations.”
(The second paragraph down:)
“Wise County Sheriff Leroy Burch and his close associate, bondsman David Box, already were under investigation by state and federal grand juries in connection with an alleged bond scheme that resulted in hundreds of questionable arrests on sex charges at a roadside park, The Dallas Morning News reported in a copyright story.”
In 1990 it was a big story. The corruption has taken different forms. As an example, many of these small North Texas towns used traffic tickets as an excuse to look for drug mule operations. The looking for drug mule operations was an excuse to write tickets. Reportedly several small towns in North Texas had a few hundred residents and wrote millions of dollars in traffic fines each year. Little towns all over Texas were doing the same thing. The new scam is that local police departments are arresting people. Guilty or not, they charge them with a crime. They establish a high bail. The bail is so high that people are not able to pay it. The scam works in that people can either pay a bail forfeiture, sign a plea agreement or sit in jail for years without ever seeing a judge.